

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Some of you may know if you watch my weekly vlogs, that I had a great dilemma recently over whether I should quit my job and do youtube/blogging full time. Well, last week I came to the decision that I really want to pursue what makes me happy and what I enjoy. 
Before I left my job I had been working for 6 years doing the same thing week in week out. Whilst that isn’t a bad thing, I did enjoy my job, I felt it was time for a change. It was an incredibly difficult decision to make, I felt like I would be letting people down if I left, but I know it was the right one. If I didn’t have a real stab at it now, whilst financially we were able to support it, would I ever get the opportunity again? 

Steve has officially started training to be a teacher and as his course is full time, it meant I would have to work on the weekends giving us no full day together as a family. I was getting stressed out and anxious at the thought of looking after Oliver by myself during the weekdays and then going to work on the weekends. That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy looking after Oliver because I really do and I am so lucky that I am in the position to, but I need some time with Steve, time as a family and time to myself. Carrying on with my job just wouldn’t have allowed me to do those things. As soon as I had made the decision to leave and had let my employers know, I felt a huge sense of relief. 

I have been making videos on and off for 3 years and at the beginning of this year I decided to be more consistent with it. I’ve uploaded at least once weekly for the past 8 months and it has made me so pleased to see my channel grow. My blog has been very neglected and I am so upset about that. I did English Literature as an A Level, I love reading and writing but unfortunately I just didn’t have the time to dedicate myself to it on top of everything else. I feel so positive about what I am doing at the moment and I am so excited to get started filming, writing, taking photographs and creating a schedule for my content. 

Sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith and do what you love.

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